Fyshbowl Retreats

Fyshbowl Retreats

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What is the Fyshbowl Lenten Retreat? Meet the Damascus Missionaries—a team of young adults seeking "to awaken, empower, and equip a generation to live the adventure of the Catholic faith"! These five missionaries are currently serving in the Archdiocese to pave the way for the future of Extreme Faith Camp! Join your Fyshbowl family for this special Lenten retreat at Saint Henry, led by the Damascus Missionaries! Spend time with old & new friends and enjoy fun games, inspirational talks, small group discussion, prayer times, and a Subway lunch! All 6th-9th grade youth are invited. 10th-12th grade can apply to serve as leaders. The cost is $20/participant ($10/leader).




Register here for the Fyshbowl Retreat!




Grades Invited: 6th-9th grade youth (10th-12th grade youth are invted to serve as leaders)


Date:  Saturday, February 20th, 9am-2pm (leaders: 8am-3pm)


Location: The Church of Saint Henry


Cost: $20 per participant ($10 per leader)


Registration: Click here to register for the Fyshbowl Retreat!

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