

Confirmation Preparation: Confirmation Preparation takes places alongside Discipleship Group model. Confirmation preparation is a two-year process that usually occurs during 9th and 10th grade. In addition to participation in a Discipleship Group and living the Faith, any teen seeking Confirmation is required to also participate in Confirmation Information Meeting, select and meet with a Confirmation Sponsor, select a Confirmation Saint, go on a Confirmation Retreat (Year 1 & Year 2), write a letter of Intent (Year 1) and meet for a Confirmation Interview (Year 2). 

Parents also play a big role in the year-round preparation. At the Info Meeting, you will receive a parent book that summarizes the lesson learned each week and gives you discussion questions to talk through with your child. Please read this at home and ask your child about what they are learning. Parents are also asked to attend the Parent & Sponsor nights two times throughout the year. By working with you and your families, we hope to create an atmosphere that is more than a classroom, but a community of Sacramental Preparation.

Class Time: Wednesday evenings 7:15-8:30pm, during school year

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