7th-8th Grade Faith Formation

7th-8th Grade Faith Formation

Curriculum: Ignatius Press' Faith & Life Series

7th Grade Theme: “The Life of Grace”: Grace as our link with God, his gift to us to bring us to Himself and His eternal life, with an emphasis on transmission of grace through the seven sacraments and on God's loving gifts of revelation, of himself through the prophets, the Incarnation, and the Church. The role of grace in developing the virtues.

8th Grade Theme: “Our Life in the Church”: The history of the Church — its founding by Christ, its birth in the Holy Spirit, the marks of the one, true Church, the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, the saints and the role of the religious and laity up to the present. The structure of the Church Jesus planned, the role of the Magisterium, the clergy, the religious and the laity and our own vocations.

Class Time: Wednesday evenings 7:15-8:30pm, during school year

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