Welcome to Saint Henry Catholic Church

We're so happy you're here

Mass Times


Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM

Sunday: 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM

Sunday:  1:00 PM (Spanish)


Tuesday: 6:30 PM

Wednesday–Friday : 8:15 AM

Fourth Thursday: Nursing Home 9:30 AM

Eucharistic Adoration

Sundays 6:00 PM through Fridays at 11:59 PM

Confession Times

Tuesday: 5:15 PM
9:00 AM
3:45–4:45 PM


Saturday: 4:25 PM

Sunday:  8:00 AM, 10:00 AM

News & Events

Lenten Retreat
March 29th | 8:30 AM

Mass, Light Breakfast, talk by Fr. John Paul Erickson, Confession and Adoration.

Extreme Faith CamP
June 9-13th, 2025

Grow in your faith through daily Mass, inspiring talks, music, small groups, Adoration, and Confession!

Fish Fry FRiday
March 7th, 21st & April 4th | 5:00 PM

Join us for the KC Fish Fry, March 7th, 21st and April 4th. Dine in or carry out!

Quilt Bingo
May 4th | 1:00 PM

Grab your cash and come play bingo! Snacks, bag lunch, and craft items are available for purchase.

For more information about what is happening at Saint Henry Catholic Church, check out our bulletin or calendar!

Lent & Easter Schedule

Holy Thursday, April 17

Morning Prayer 8:30 AM

Mass of the Lord's Supper 7:00 PM

Prayerful Vigil Following Mass

Night Prayer 10:00 PM

Good Friday, April 18

Morning Prayer 8:30 AM

The Veneration of the Cross 3:00 PM

Stations of the Cross 7:00 PM

Holy Saturday, April 18

Morning Prayer 8:30 AM

(No 5:00 PM Mass or Reconciliation offered.)

Vigil Mass of the Lord's Resurrection 8:30 PM

Easter Sunday, April 20

The Resurrection of the Lord 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM

Mass in Spanish 1:00 PM

Divine Mercy sunday devotion, april 27

3:00 PM


"I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing"  -  Luke 12:49

On Fire with the Holy Spirit, every household is embracing the sacraments and Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, fully using God's gifts to live and proclaim the gospel by word and deed.

Get involved in one of our Parish Ministries

Our Parish Festival has a variety of volunteer opportunities available:  being a chairperson of an activity or booth, or volunteering on the festival weekend.  There are also many opportunities to help out within each activity at the festival.  Time commitments are anywhere from 1 to 2 hours on the festival weekend, and time planning and improving a booth (Chairperson.)  We welcome all ages and abilities.  

Contact: Donny Lill


In Eucharistic Adoration you have the opportunity to experience a weekly, face to face, appointment with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.  It's in this hour each week that Jesus will infuse you with graces and blessings as you seek to know him in this intimate and profound way.  For so many of us this is one of the most important hours of our week. Please contact the office if you are interested in signing up for an hour or to be put on the list as a sub adorer. 

Contract: Office Personnel 763-295-2402 info@sthenrycatholic.com

What is a small group?

A Small Group “… fosters personal relationships, builds community and provides formation to help parishioners grow as joyful missionary disciples of Christ.”  - Archbishop Hebda (Pastoral Letter, You will be my Witnesses (2022).

Why join a small group?

Jesus started his universal church in a small group, so we are adopting the same strategy at St. Henry’s Catholic Church.

It is a great way to find close connections, friendships, and to grow in your faith.

Whether you are new to the parish or not, we can help you get started.  

  • Meet people with similar interests at St. Henry’s
  • Develop authentic friendships and a support group
  • Deepen your personal relationship with Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ

New and don't know where to start?

Email Vikki at vbuck@sthenrycatholic.com and we will help you find a group that fits you best!

Ushers are an important presence at the Weekend Masses.  Men and women sign up weekly to take on the role of ushers.  They wear a badge to signify to people that they can answer any questions that they might have.  They are available to be of service to anyone needing help or directions. Ushers help anyone needing assistance in finding a place to sit during Mass.  They monitor the back of church, making sure that the elderly sitting in the back pew would receive Communion from the Eucharistic Ministers. They direct anyone looking for the restrooms or water font. Ushers also take up the collection during the Offertory, and secure it after mass.

Contact: Dan McElwee 



This group, also called Hospitality Ministry, was formed over 20 years ago at Saint Henry’s to promote fellowship after the Sunday Morning Masses.  Parishioners gather in the Social Hall for coffee, orange juice and sweet rolls.  There is a free will offering for the continental breakfast. Parishioners will volunteer to serve after either the 8:30 or 10:30 Masses. A schedule is mailed to these volunteers ahead of their serving date and a phone call reminder to serve is done by the coordinator.  Servers help out once every 3-4 months and are placed with an experienced server.  One can serve as a single, couple or family. 

Contact: Bill Miller


Don't see something that fits for you?
Check out the rest of our current ministries here!

Register with our Parish

New to the area or just visiting?

We would be thrilled to welcome you to our church community! Join us for a Mass to experience the warmth of our congregation and learn about our parish and activities. If interested, you can easily register through the link below. We look forward to getting to know you!

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