Fyshbowl Events

Fyshbowl Events

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All 6th-8th grade youth are invited to attend our Middle School Retreat to spend a day growing in your faith, making friends, and having fun! To register, click here. 

All 9th-12th Core Team members should register to help!




What is Fyshbowl?  FYSH stands for " F or the  Y outh of  S t.  H enry". Our youth group is called the Fyshbowl! Check out our various events and activities below!


Fyshbowl Youth Nights

What are Fyshbowl Youth Nights? Fyshbowls are nights for 6th-12th grade youth. They are most Wednesday nights, 7-9pm, during the summer and most Friday nights, 7-9 pm, during the school year. 

Grades Invited: Rising 6th grade-graduated seniors. You are always welcome to bring friends! 


Friday, Sept. 13, 7-9pm

Friday, Sept. 20, 7-9pm

Friday, Sept. 27, 7-9pm

Friday, Oct. 4, 7-9pm

Friday, Oct. 11, 7-9pm

Friday, Oct. 25, 7-9pm

Friday, Nov. 8, 7-9pm

Friday, Nov. 15, 7-9pm

Friday, Nov. 22, 7-9pm

Friday, Dec. 13, 7-9pm

Friday, Dec. 20, 7-9pm

Location: During the school year: meet in the FYSHBowl (enter through the HSA doors).

In Summer: Behind the Church at the bonfire pit (rain location: Social Hall, enter through the HSA doors)

Cost: Free!

Registration: None required. Just join us!


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