

Cemetery Location

The cemetery address is: 3630 90th St NE, Monticello, MN 55362

Directions: From St. Henry, take 7th Street East to State Highway 25 and go south (toward Buffalo) over Interstate Highway 94 to Chelsea Blvd. Turn west (right) onto Chelsea and follow for approximately 3/4 mile to 90th Street NE. Turn left on to 90th Street NE. Cemetery is located on the north side (right) of 90th Street and is visible from the intersection of Chelsea and 90th Street.


Cemetery Board

The Cemetery Committee consists of seven active parishioners, Pastor, Administrator, and Parish Council Liaison. Members meet quarterly to advise the Pastor in developing policies and making decisions regarding Saint Henry’s Cemetery.

Contact:    Les Wilmot 


Cemetery History

The first portion of the current cemetery was purchased in 1918 and comprised 3.12 acres of land sold to Saint Henry for $468.00 by Victor and Viola Kingsbury. In 1962, Saint Henry acquired another 1.15 acres adjoining the original portion from Catharine Frassel for less than $100. The last portion of the cemetery, approximately 2.89 acres, was purchased in November 1971 from Fred and Grace Tozer. Today, Saint Henry Cemetery encompasses 7.16 acres of land, of which only a portion is platted and being used for burials.


Cemetery Rules and Regulations

 A summary of the more important rules is included here.

Plants and flowers on single-post stand planters only.

One post stand per grave.

Objects made of or containing glass are prohibited.

All decorations are subject to removal without notice should they become unsightly, are deemed inappropriate, or remain beyond the specified time.

Other than approved plant stands, any other decorations must be off the ground for maintenance reasons. They may not be hung on trees, shrubs, fencing, or other cemetery property.

No landscaping or lawn care is permitted by persons other than the appointed contractor or the cemetery groundskeeper.

  No signs, advertising, peddling, soliciting, or notices of any kind are permitted.

No alcoholic beverages allowed.

  No pets allowed.

No hunting, snowmobiles, ATVs or motorized bikes.

Perpetual Care Fund (endowment) is a fund in which a portion of the money collected from the sale of interment spaces is deposited and the net income (gains of endowment) from which is used to defray expenses of maintenance and upkeep of the cemetery.

Burial Options
The Cemetery Board is pleased to offer a variety of burial options, from full-body, in-ground burial to cremation niches. Costs vary, depending on the type of burial option you choose.

Cemetery Map

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