Church Mouse

Church Mouse

Sunday, January 5th Cheryl Petkowski Sunday, July 6 Jan & Jerome Zaruba
12-Jan Jan & Jerome Zaruba 13-Jul Barb Smida
19-Jan Barb Smida 20-Jul Linda Tast
26-Jan Linda Tast 27-Jul Judy Nelson
Sunday, Febuary 2 Judy Nelson Sunday, August 3 Dianna Vossen
9-Feb Dianna Vossen 10-Aug Renee Berens
16-Feb Renee Berens 17-Aug Jane Saccoman
23-Feb Jane Saccoman 24-Aug Ester Borgerding
31-Aug Dorothy Fridgen
Sunday, March 2 Ester Borgerding Sunday, September 7 Mary Rootes
9-Mar Dorothy Fridgen 14-Sep Nancy Gapp
16-Mar Mary Rootes 21-Sep Donna Weiland
23-Mar Nancy Gapp 28-Sep Cheryl Petkowski
30-Mar Donna Weiland
Sunday, April 6 Cheryl Petkowski Sunday, October 5 Jan & Jerome Zaruba
13-Apr Jan & Jerome Zaruba & Barb Smida 12-Oct Barb Smida
20-Apr Linda Tast 19-Oct Linda Tast
27-Apr Judy Nelson 26-Oct Judy Nelson
Sunday, May 4 Dianna Vossen Sunday, November 2 Dianna Vossen
11-May Renee Berens 9-Nov Renee Berens
18-May Jane Saccoman 16-Nov Jane Saccoman
25-May Ester Borgerding 23-Nov Ester Borgerding
30-Nov Dorothy Fridgen
Sunday, June 1 Dorothy Fridgen
8-Jun Mary Rootes Sunday, December 7 Mary Rootes
15-Jun Nancy Gapp 14-Dec Nancy Gapp
22-Jun Donna Weiland 21-Dec Donna Weiland
29-Jun Cheryl Petkowski 28-Dec Cheryl Petkowski

Thank you all for signing up to volunteer for our Church Mouse Ministry!! Assigned weeks begin with a Sunday. As in the past and because Mass is now always in the worship space, working toward the end of the week is best, as we would like the worship space looking neat for the weekend Masses. If you cannot work your assigned week, please contact another volunteer or me to complete the task for that week. It is helpful if you mark your calendars with your scheduled weeks.     
This year we are doing two people for Easter week. If you attend any of the mass's that week, please straighten the books, pick up clutter etc.

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