Garden Group

Garden Group

Men, women, and teens are invited to join the Garden Ministry Team. We meet most Wednesday mornings May through October from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. finishing with a potluck lunch and fellowship. Some people work in particular garden areas, others work where needed. We plan, plant, weed, deadhead, dig up and transplant. Volunteers help as a group or at a suitable time for you. There are many varied opportunities. The work of our hands provides a setting for walks, awesome photo opts, picnics, and meditation areas for prayer.


 Contact:    Sharon Iano                                                  612-889-9975                     






Reflections from the Garden Group                                                                       Fall 2015
Have you ever walked through the gardens here at St Henry? Did you wonder, “Who does all this work?” “Where did the Stations of the Cross come from?”

Just recently I learned we received a generous gift of Stations of the Cross, that they were crafted in Germany and they are very old. Oh my, we are blessed. The chimes in the Mary Chime Garden are wonderful and so soothing – and they were stolen then replaced? A tool for meditation is the sound of babbling water, enjoy relaxing near the waterfall. Are you amazed at the beautiful fencing, butterfly table and chairs, benches, picnic tables and the espalier that graces the black iron fencing at the angel entrance? Each of our garden statues comes with a history; they are placed in spaces designed for prayer stops. I still have questions about the Labyrinth. And who walks the KC Rosary?

By Sharon Iano, Garden Group member
The butterflies and bees found the gardens – we planted milkweed, Joe Pye Weed, asclepias (butterfly weed) and many other blooming favorites. Their flight has added visual music to our grounds.

The Garden Group meets Wednesdays, April through October. We share chores and have grown close in friendship. Our group is famous for our potluck lunches. All are Welcome. Bring your questions, be prepared to hear about future plans, most of all pause and notice this sanctuary in nature, a garden of delight, a venue for prayer. Plus the photo opportunities are endless!

The Garden Group plants a vegetable garden each year. The deer and rabbits know all about it. We placed dog kennel fencing around the garden this year (a Craigslist find)– so far so good. To our surprise Jacob Komarek came forward to offer his services in helping with a garden project for his Eagle Scout Rank. We asked if he could build A frames and obelisks for climbing/vining vegetables. He started seeds in early spring then at the proper time transferred the plants to the garden.

This season we realized we were in for a bit of a challenge with our new structures, we are now more prepared for next year’s crops. When we harvest vegetables they are received by parishioners and the Food Shelf.

Jacob says the greatest experience of the project was the fact that he was building something that would be used to help those less fortunate than he. It really is a great feeling to know that you’re changing the world for the better. Fellowship wise the troop really came together as a unit to help build the frames at a very impressive rate.

Congratulations Jacob; only 6% of those enrolled in Scouts earn this honor.

Our backyard treasure appreciates the support received from all those who contribute by donations, plant sales, and special offerings. A glorious thank you to the sterling talents and love of the Garden Group.

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