Life Preservers

Life Preservers

The Church of Saint Henry’s Pro-Life Committee is educational and supportive of all life from conception to natural death. All members of our parish are invited to participate in all Pro-Life activities.  Prayer is an important part of our ministry. We champion for all Pro-Life issues that are pertinent today.  Names of organizations offering alternatives to Abortion are made available.  We publish dates of important events, such as, “40 Days for Life”, the January “Walk for Life” at the capital and many others. Pro-Life Ministry meets 2-3 times a year.  We would love to have you join us.

Contact:               Alice Coudron    763-568-2735

The next meeting will be Thursday, October 10th at 6:00pm in room 13. We welcome new members!


40 Days For Life: Feb 14–Mar 23

Walk and pray with St. Henry’s parishioners at Planned Parenthood, in St Cloud MN located at 451 E St Germain Street, on Wednesdays or Thursdays at 11:00am, or come, walk and pray anytime from 7:00am – 7:00pm Monday through Friday. Help save lives by praying to end abortion. 12,175 babies were aborted in MN in 2022. FMI: Alice Coudron at  alice.coudron@gmail  .com  or 763-568-2735.

Spiritual Adoption Month Five

Your spiritually adopted baby weighs over one pound now.  His mother can feel his movement now.  Before, he was too small for her to feel.  Although he swam with ease in his watery world, he needed to be big and strong enough to kick hard against the outside wall and dent it - - the inside wall of the uterus has no feeling.  We are mid-way through the pregnancy now.  He is about 12 inches in length.   Your prayers have helped your baby’s mother continue with her pregnancy and seek the help she needs.

Adoptado Espiritualmente Quinto mes

Su bebé adoptado espiritualmente pesa más de una libra ahora.  Su madre puede sentir su movimiento ahora.  Antes, él era demasiado pequeño para que ella lo sintiera.  Aunque nadaba con facilidad en su mundo acuoso, necesitaba ser lo suficientemente grande y fuerte como para patear con fuerza contra la pared exterior y abollarla, la pared interior del útero no tiene sensación.  Estamos a mitad de camino del embarazo ahora.  Mide aproximadamente 12 pulgadas de largo.   Sus oraciones han ayudado a la madre de su bebé a continuar con su embarazo y buscar la ayuda que necesita.

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