Music Schedule

Music Schedule

Weekend of: 5:00 PM 8:30 and 10:30 AM
Mar 22/23 Char*, Audrey, Dorothy, John/CP 8:30am Kari*, Leita, Kip/SC
3rd Sun of Lent 10:30am Teen Choir/SC
Mar 29/30 Audrey*, Beth, Colleen H/SC Inspiration/CP
4th Sun of Lent
April 5/6 Seraphymns/MK Adult Choir/MM
5th Sun of Lent
April 12/13 Char, Grace, Colleen A, Audrey, Mary Kav, Bonnie, Kip,
Palm Sunday John S/MM Bill M/SC
April 17th _______________ 7:00pm
Holy Thursday Adult Choir/MM
April 18th _______________ 3:00pm
Good Friday Seraphymns/CP
April 19th _______________ 8:30pm
Easter Vigil Inspiration/SC
20-Apr ________________ 8:30am Daily Bread, Terry, Kip/MK
Easter Sunday 10:30am: Daily Bread, Terry, Kip and Kids Choir/MK
April 26/27 Audrey, Beth, Dorothy, Bill M /SC NEW/SC
2nd Sun of Easter
May 3/4 Audrey, Kari, Bonnie/Liz Adult Choir/MM
3rd Sun of Easter (1st Communion)
May 10/11 Seraphymns/MM Daily Bread/MK
4th Sun of Easter
May 17/18 Inspiration/CP 8:30am Char, Audrey, Dorothy/SC
5th Sun of Easter 10:30am TEEN Choir/SC
(10:30am – Baccalaureate Mass)
May 24/25 Audrey, Beth, Mary Kav/Liz NEW/SC
6th Sun of Easter
5:00pm 9:00am
May 31/June 1 Char, Grace, Dorothy, Terry/SC Daily Bread/MM
June 7/8 Char, Kari, Terry/MM Inspiration/CP
June 14/15 NEW/SC Seraphymns/MM
Most Holy Trinity
June 21/22 Audrey, Beth, Kip/Liz Inspiration/CP
Corpus Christi
June 28/29 Daily Bread/Liz NEW/SC
Sts Peter and Paul

 If your name has a *, you are the leader. Please contact the accompanist and other singer(s) for rehearsal/set up before scheduled Mass.   

The Lord is my strength and my shield, in whom my heart trusts. I am helped, so my heart rejoices; with my song I praise him. Psalm 28:7

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